

Geo EyesCream Chocomousse (Expired within a year)

 (These lenses label expired date are within 2024However, the expired date means the last day you can “open” the lens bottle, not last day to “wear”. For example, if expired date is 2024/10, it means that if you open the lens bottle on 30th Sept 2024, you can wear it for 12 months until Sept 2025, because the expired date is actually refer to the liquid that store the lenses, not the lens itself.)

Geo EyesCream Chocomousse Color Contact Lens

Make your eyes shine, while still looking natural with these chocomousse colored contact lenses, they’ll change your normal drab brown, into a vibrant shade of brown that attracts the eye, and makes you the center of attention. There is no need to hide behind regular glasses, or boring prescription lenses ever again, when you can get great eyesight and a beautiful new look with these dark chocolate contacts. Great for any eyes, you’ll smile every time you see the envious looks when you enter the room. 

Diameter: 14.5mm
Base Curve: 8.7mm
Water Content: 38%
Life Span: 3 months
What inside: 1 pair of lenses and 1 cute animal lens case

Origin: South Korea

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